
Invest Gov Tax Lien Property

If you want to invest real estate, first look at what the government may be selling By government, I mean not just the federal government, but also the city, county and state governments.

In 1993, a government agency called the Resolution Trust Corporation was absorbing and reselling the non-performing mortgages and foreclosed properties which were sinking so many saving and loan banks.Someone bought investment property at RTC absolute auctions at that time. An absolute auction is where the seller orders they want property sold to the highest bidder, regardless of price. He also bought investment properties indirectly from large RTC. Some large buyer, such as G. E. Capital, bought big chunks of the RTC's portfolio and then resold property very inexpensively too.

Local governments also have great real estate bargains. Pay attention to the tax sales held each year. The city and county governments may directly auction off property as well. One lucrative method for buying investment property is purchasing expropriated property from the city. Find out when they are releasing the property to new buyers and invest. Sometimes government sales can also be concealed in regular channels, such as the multiple listing service. Pay attention to all avenues when looking for bargains.

The bottom line is: When the government is selling, line up to buy!

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